Family beyond walls

I heard this phrase more than 15 years ago and it’s always stuck with me. Living in a different country for almost 10 years now, it’s clearer than ever what he meant. Here is the phrase:

Just because one moves away from the Family it doesn’t mean he is not Family anymore, it just means that they will have to work harder to keep together (Will Smith on Fresh prince of Bel-air during an episode where Jazz is jealous because he is going to college).

Booyah! That is philosophical! Jokes aside, all Fresh prince fans give it up right now c’mon! Ok. Back to business…

In countless circumstances you will be faced with the challenge of keeping close to those who matter most to you. All this technology was supposed to help us shorten the distance but the reality is that we become more and more anti-social through “social media”

Lately with the tragic news of the passing away of our brother Myles Munroe and family we are reminded that life is too short to waste and their example only exalts more how that great brother in Christ value family and those he loved as they were on a mission together.

As he said it himself and we have heard several times on the media: “the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without purpose”.

So, learn from Master William (as Geoffrey use to call him) and just work harder at it! Make the phone call, go for the night meal, stretch a little bit! You an do it!

Have a great family weekend!


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